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With the above vision at heart, the following ‘Departments’ are being established to the effect of having a well-organised institution with running programmes. These departments are referred to as “Divisions”.

  • Division for Educational Affairs (D.E.A)
  • Division for Mentorship Affairs (D.M.A)
  • Division for Mind Development (D.M.D)
  • Division for Socio-Spiritual Affairs (D.S.A)


This division of Versatile Educational Institute and Consults is solely focused on enhancing, and encouraging academic excellence amidst her students and candidates, with strict intellectual discipline. A “Dean” heads this division. The division is responsible:
1. For the Registration of students/candidates for examinations.
2. For the management of Tutorial Classes.
3. For the provision of standard academic curriculum.
4. For the conduct and organisation of periodic preparatory test for the evaluation of candidates’ preparedness.
5. For offering Counsel to candidates as to Career Choice(s).
6. For the management of all academic-staff of the institution (employment & payment).
7. For the management of the institution’s LIBRARY through a librarian, who is a member of her team.


This division of VEIN Consults is focused on the tutelage and Mentoring of Students in the affairs of Life, platform of guidance. The affairs of this division seeks to promote the personal, social, educational and career development of all students. With the aim of defining its scope of activities towards addressing the needs of students, parents and guardians, the school and the community at large.
The Division shall be responsible for:
1. The running of a standard Guidance and Counselling Programme.
2. The management of the Mentorship schemes.


This division is established to address all informal educational activities of VEIN Consults, some of which are seasonal or done based on necessities and needfulness as the board of trustees seem fit.
The Division shall be responsible for:
1) The running of ExtraMural Programme.
2) The management of Ideas and Innovations.
3) The organisation of Students Conference and Festivals.
4) The staging of THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES (Educational Drama)
5) The Institutions’ outreaches via, sensitization, lectures and speeches.
Having clearly checked into and questioned the fact of what prompts 40% of the population of the schooling students of this generation to be so engrossed into coming to school. Aside from the known factors such as; necessity of the nation, available protocols, fulfilment of parent’s desires, and countless others. An explanation to this is the experience that makes them want to come back to school the more, either in the consciousness or unconsciousness of their real goals of coming to school. This experience is the availability of sound, attractive and integrating “Extra-murals”. This is a way to capture the student’s attention, and directing it towards the proper academic requirements as part of their needed fulfilment in life.
It is on this assertion that VEIN Consults through the DIVISION For MIND DEVELOPMENT renders these services to students, parents and guardians, and schools who have spelt out the distinct differences existing between being an academic bigot and a liberal educationist that does not see this as a waste or irrelevant task, but as a privilege to enhance the psychological volition of their students.

Psychological exposure of students’ ability.
Exploring and investing students’ talent towards a self sustaining standard.
It will contribute immensely to students’ confidence and help develop in them a good self-worth.
Create/give students a platform of psycho-social bravery towards their competency.


This division is established to uphold the number 1 mission of the consultancy, which is; To establish the stance of the great innovator, God, in the feasibility and possibility of all human endeavours. As an institution, we believe in the possibility of being HELPED of God beyond our physical efforts towards  excellence. 
The Division shall be responsible for:
1. The running of a Christian Fellowship Gathering.
2. Seasonal Vocational, Entrepreneurial and Skill Acquisition program. 

This gathering is aimed at encouraging and building the spiritual intimacy of students and candidates with their creator, through men whom God have helped to know him.

CVAT (Community of Vocal and Audible Thoughts)
The community of vocal and audible thoughts is one of the department of VEIN Consults created and saddled with the responsibility of helping individuals to invest the art of public speaking and communication into aspects of their life. Leveraging on the scale of Motivational speeches, Inspirational discourses, Lectures and Seminars, this chapter seeks to orient, correct and promote the visions and missions of VEIN Consults at large. 
As minute as it may seem and as less interesting as we may view it, the world has hitherto  changed to what it is and what it is becoming through the avenue of thoughts (ideas, potentials) resident within various individuals across the globe. Rehabilitating archaic norms, re-orienting mediocrity and so much more. It is on the prowess of this; thoughts made vocal and audible that Cvat was establish to further eradicate parochialism and encourage involvement.

The League of Kingdom Scribe is a forum established through a mandate received from God by the pioneer of VEIN Consults late 2017 and early January 2018 to step out of his comfort zone to write (as he has always done), but this time, defining it as well as bringing up writers who would be driven and devoted to pushing and promoting the virtues, values, precepts and principles of the Kingdom of God; writing life among the chaos of this world. Without being apologetic to the “intellectual” confines and dictates of supposed manner of writing while being communicative, this vision would stop at nothing to engrave and inscribe on the tablets of hearts the cultural entailment of the KINGDOM of God. 

Job 32:8
But [there is] a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. 
The LEAGUE of KINGDOM SCRIBES is a platform for writers, but such writers whose cause is driven not necessarily by poaching on ideas of the physical or of the society to make a point, rather it is such writers whose message, ideas and passion of influence is rooted in the Kingdom expansion, i.e. writing of, from and about the principles of the Kingdom of God.  


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