young scholar and speaker who is devoting his time, frame of mind and graceful
aptitude towards the line of youth and teens, their life and academics, into
exploring, bringing out and motivating individuals towards the efficient
engagement of their God-given potentials.
Mayor L. is a speaker and writer who believes the birth of an individual,
regardless of the circumstance or age, is an addendum to the existing talents,
such as our world awaits.
A Lecturer
and Theatre-artist by career, Directing Major, Scenic designer amongst other
comprises of the number of academic staff members working with the institution.
These are seasoned and tested teachers and tutors, who are express authority at
the subjects and courses they take.
The set of individuals that would be
members of this board shall be visionaries who have an udepth understanding of
the vision of the institute, and at such are financially committed to the furthering of the vision. It is
worthy of note that these individuals shall
not be directly involved in the academic exploits of the institute but
shall in the capacity of their
financial involvement and percentage be shareholders and advisory members of the administrative
board. Their contract shall be renewed on a biannual basis.
This board shall consist of the
PIONIEER, members of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, All DEAN of the DIVISONS, and
selected members of the Board of Trustees, as the agenda of each meeting
demands. It is worthy of note that the members of the board of Directors shall
play only advisory roles in the administrative affairs of the institute. This
board shall be the presiding authority on the various decision of the
This sect of the working personnel is a
10-man group of carefully selected individuals, who are professionally
certified in their field, devotedly informed and committed to the visions of
the consultancy and are divinely considered via their passion for God and
lives. Encompassing educators, counsellors, psychologists, motivational
speakers and writers etc. They would be contracted on a biannual basis. These
ones would help in the mentorship affairs, career selection, academic pursuits
and guidance activities.
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